Health Benefits of Eating Fish
Fish is among the healthiest food on the planet, containing low-fat high-quality protein. It is also enriched with essential fatty acids, necessary for growth and development in children and adolescents. According to the American Dietary Guidelines, most of the good fat comes from fish which must be 20-30% of daily fat intake.
It not only contains essential fatty acid but also has minerals and vitamins in it. It should eat fish because it is likely to be spoil easily due to the presence of PUFA and MUFA in them.

Here are 11 Health Benefits of Eating Fish:
1. May Lower Your Risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes:
Heart attacks and strokes are the prevalent cause of premature death in the world. Fish is considered one of the most heart-healthy foods you can eat because it contains vitamin B12 which reduces the elevated homocysteine level. Homocysteine is an amino acid in which elevated concentration in blood can cause heart attack and stroke. Furthermore, many observational studies show that people who eat fish regularly have a lower risk of heart attacks, strokes, and death from heart disease. In one trial, more than 40,000 men in the US, regularly ate one or more servings of fish per week had a 15% lower risk of heart disease. Its consumption may also reduce blood clotting abilities and may favorably affect heart rhythm.

2. Contain Nutrients That are Crucial During Development:
Fish contain omega-3 fatty acids which is necessary for brain and nervous system development in fetuses and infants. For this reason, the FDA and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advise pregnant and breastfeeding women to consume 12 ounces of fish per week in order to boost the health of their nervous system. Moreover, they also advise consuming low-mercury fishes such as shellfish and sardines, etc and avoid consumption of high mercury fishes like swordfish, shark, king mackerel and tilefish because they contain toxins which link to brain developmental problems. Pregnant women should also avoid raw and uncooked fishes as they contain parasites which are harmful for fetus. It also contains zinc which promotes growth and development.
3. May Protect Your Vision in Old Age:
Fish contain a retinoid, an alternate form of Vitamin A and vitamin A is very important for good vision. A 3oz tuna fish contains about 99kcal of vitamin A.
There is an age-related factor called macular degeneration (AMD) which is a leading cause of vision impairment and blindness that mostly affects older adults.
Moreover, one study shows that regular fish intake was linked to a 42% lower risk of AMD in women
Another study shows that eating fatty fish once per week was linked to a 53% decreased risk of neovascular known as (“wet”) AMD

4. Prevent From Goiter:
Saltwater fish(ocean sunfish and queen angelfish), tuna, shrimp and cod are rich in iodine
Amount | Daily value | |
Shrimp | 35µg | 23% of the DV |
Tuna | 17µg | 11% of the DV |
Cod | 63-99µ | 42-66% of the DV |
The amount of iodine in these fishes is widely depending on whether the fish is farm-raised or wild.
5. Enhance Blood Clotting:
Fish contains vitamin K1(phylloquinone) and K2(menaquinone) which prevents hemorrhage.
The richest K1 fish sources are eel, containing 1.3 μg per 100 g and mackerel which contains 0.5 μg per 100 g. The vitamin K2 fish sources are salmon, containing 0.6µg per 100g, mackerel(0.6µg per 100g) and plaice(5.3µg per 100g).

6. A good dietary source of vitamin D:
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for healthy bone development and boosts the immune system.
About 40% of Americans are vitamin D deficient.
Fish is the best dietary source of vitamin D. The fatty fish like salmon and herring contain more vitamin D than other fish. For instance, 4 ounces cooked salmon, contains about the 100% recommended intake of vitamin D.
Even though, some fish oil and fish supplement provide vitamin D about 200% more than the daily value in a single tablespoon(15ml
7. Reduce The Risk of Anemia:
Anemia is the common blood disorder in which there is insufficient RBCs in the body to carry oxygen throughout the body. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, it affects more than 3M Americans.
Fish contains minerals such as iron, copper which reduces the risk of anemia. A 3.5-ounce of shellfish packs up to 3mg of iron which is 17% of the daily value.
However, the iron content in fishes is highly variable, even though some types may contain much lower amounts

8. May Help Prevent and Treat Depression:
As you know, depression is a common mental condition that is followed by sadness, decreased energy and constant despair. Currently, It is one of the world’s biggest health problems.
Fish contain vitamin B6 which prevents depression. One research shows that people who eat fish regularly are much less likely to become depressed.
Another research reveals that the omega 3 fatty acids found in it, also help in reducing depression.
9. May Reduce Your Risk of Autoimmune Diseases
Fish consumption can reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, and multiple sclerosis.
Vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids found in it are responsible for it. It is shown by research, adults and, children who consume fish has a reduced risk of type 1 diabetes in them. Another research shows that fish intake may also lower the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. But current evidence is weak at best.

10. May Boost Brain Health:
As you know, our brain function get slows with the age, which also affects your memory means resulting in memory loss
While the mild mental decline is normal but there are some serious neurodegenerative ailments like Alzheimer’s disease exist which develop with age.
Many observational studies reveal that people who eat more fish have slower rates of mental decline.
Fish contains niacin which prevents dementia.
Studies also reveal that people who consume fish per week have more gray matter, a brain’s major functional tissue — that regulate emotion and memory.
11. May Help Prevent Asthma in Children
Fish contains vitamin B6 which prevents asthma in children.
It is a common disease in which chronic inflammation of airways. The children who regularly consume fish have a 24% lower risk of asthma than in adults.
This condition has increased dramatically over the past few decades.