Role of Inorganic Minerals in Our Diet & Human Body
What are Inorganic Minerals?
Inorganic substances are those minerals that are found in ash when food or other living organism is cremated. Carbon is absent in them and don’t obtained from living matter. They are the constituents of many tissues, acids or alkali in the body. They are also act as essential components of certain hormones and vitamins. Elements such as Al, Ar, Zn, B, Cr, Co, F, Se, Mb or Tin are present in traces but most other elements are found in quantities varying from traces to as much as 1500grams in an adult.

There are 2 major role of inorganic minerals in our diet are:
1. Bodybuilding and growth:
How these minerals affect our bodily growth?
Because they are found in our rigid body structures and soft bony tissues like muscles. During growth, these substances possess a great affect on skeleton and all soft tissues.
- Regulating bodily functions:
In their regulatory function, these substances are associated with a variety of systems such as regulation of heartbeat, blood clotting, and maintenance of internal pressure of body fluids, nerve response and transport of oxygen from lungs to the tissues. They are found as salt in bodily fluids, where they maintain osmotic pressure. Inorganic minerals are essential in our diet or required in minute quantities.
There are 2 types of inorganic minerals:
Macro Inorganic Minerals:
Those minerals that is present in appreciable amounts in the body. They are required more than 100mg/day.
Some macro-inorganic minerals in our diet are:
A reservoir of bones. An inorganic substance which is found in huge amount in our body, nearly 99%(1200 g) stored in skeleton, the remaining is stored in teeth, soft tissues or ECF.The stored calcium in teeth combines with phosphorus in blood or provide strengthening to teeths.After viewing these advantages, calcium intake must be important in our diet. Calcium is abundantly found in milk, milk products, leafy vegetables etc. Deficiency of calcium can causes stunted growth or Rickets etc.
The body of an average sized human adult contains about 1250g calcium.
Like calcium, it is also found in huge quantities in our body about 600-900g. Milk is rich in phosphorus. Regular consumption of milk in diet may help in strengthening of bones and teeth. Phosphorus also maintains acid-base balance in our blood. It is necessary for the formation of phospholipids,an integral part of cell membrane or nerve fibers. Its deficiency is rare but it can cause bone and teeth related diseases
Found in sulphur-containing amino acids like cysteine, methionine, cystine .It takes part in the strengthening of hairs, nails and skin. Good sources are beef, legumes, groundnuts etc. Deficiency links with less intake of protein in diet.
The body of average sized human adult contains about 170g.
Potassium with sodium helps in regulating osmotic pressure or pH balance. It is found in wide variety of fruits and veggies. Deficiency results in lethargy, muscular weakness or kidney failure etc
The body of an average sized human adult contains about 135g.
Exists in the form of NaCl or common salt. It serves in the production of HCL, an essential component of gastric juice in the stomach.HCL aids in digestion. In order to have better digestion, chlorine intake must be included in our diet.
The body of an average sized human adult contains about 120g.
A main constituent of common salt. Essential in the regulation of osmotic fluids in body. Aids in the transportation of CO2 in blood. Excess salt leaves throughout the body from urine and sweat. Deficiency causes heat cramps, for those who are working in hot climates.
The body of average sized human adult contains about 80g
It is found in leafy vegetables, soybeans, whole cereals in our diet. It is essential for the formation of bones and teeths or also keeps are muscles healthy. Deficiency leads to muscular weakness, depression etc.
The body of average sized human adult contains about 25g
Those minerals which are present in minute or trace quantities in our body are called micro-inorganic minerals. They are required less than 100mg/day or form the integral part of hormones, enzymes or vitamins.
Some micro inorganic minerals in our diet are:
An intrinsic part of hemoglobin (carries oxygen from lungs to other parts of body).It is found in appreciable quantities in liver, kidney, oyster’s etc. Deficiency of iron in our body causes anemia. We obtain 10% iron from legumes and veggies, 20% from soybean or 30% from meat. Meat has high quantity of iron because iron from animals generally is more readily absorbed in digestion. Pregnant, lactating, menstruating women must have high intake in their diet.
The body of average sized human adult contains about 4g.
It aids in the utilization of iron ore also serve as a part in Hb synthesis. It is abundant in liver, meat or nuts etc. Deficiency results in anemia, depression and depigmentation of hairs. It is abundant in liver, beans, legumes etc
Our body contains it in trace amount.
Associated with synthesis of proteins. Also serves in the formation of enzymes.Deficiencty results in skeletal abnormalities, impaired growth or newborn ataxia.
The body of average sized human adult contains about 0.021g
An essential component of Thyroid gland, necessary for the formation of thyroxin hormone.Thyroxin,a pre-requisite element for growth and development. Its deficiency causes stunted growth, goitre, protruding abdomen etc.So for the prevention of these diseases, Iodine intake must be important in our diet. Iodine is found in seafood, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes or garlic etc.
The body of an average sized-human adult contains about 0.028g
A constituent of vitamin B12.Serve as an essential part in nucleic acid formation. It is found in liver and meat.
Our body contains it in trace amounts.
Constituent of more than 200 enzymes in the body. Essential for the formation of insulin’s in the body. It aids in quick wound healing or boost immune system. Kidney, liver or oysters are the good sources of zinc. Deficiency results in anemia.
Our body contains about 2-8g
Found in fluorinated water or tea. It helps in the maintenance of strong bones and enamel of teeth. Diets of growing children are deficient in fluorine since supplementation of water with about 1ppm reduces symptoms of tooth decay.
Our body contains it in trace amounts.
Associated with Vitamin A. Aids in maintaining normal liver function, protect against toxic material.
Our body contains it in trace amounts.
Helps in nitrogen metabolism. Good sources are peas or beans.
Our body contains it in trace amounts.
Useful in normal glucose metabolism. Found in whole grains, grape juice or orange juice, brown sugar etc
Our body contains it in trace amounts.
By viewing all of these above benefits of inorganic substances, the benefits of inorganic substances are now known or have much importance in our lives.